Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Burmese Popsicles!

Heya guys! Burma Action Week (bi-week?) is starting up next week and I need volunteers to "color" a LOT (2200) of popsicle sticks red (with ribbon, markers, colored paper, anything) between now and Monday morning (EARLY) when we will flag the quad (a specific section, which I'll go over with volunteers). Monday night we'll have to move them to the McKinley Green for Campus Beautification Day, where they will stay until Wednesday night. Contact me at al3281a@student.american.edu please!

Burma stages landmark army parade
BBC has video: Hello peacocks!

Who is at the heart of Burma's junta?
Meet the rulers of the SPDC!

Indonesian FM Visits Burma
"Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa is expected to meet with Burmese generals this week..."

Best travels, folks!

Anne K Lynch

American University Student Campaign for Burma
Email: auburma@gmail.com

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